Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where We Landed

Where We Landed, originally uploaded by sadlyharmless.

One of the pieces in my show up in LaLa Gallery in Lafayette. Show is up until Dec 11!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

2011 Calendar Pre-Order!

It's finally here!

The theme for the 2011 calendars is ADVENTURES!

It's my first full-color calendar, and you'll find ink and watercolor illustrations of animals exploring and venturing to places they wouldn't normally go. You'll find foxes sailing on the high seas, caribou on the moon, polar bears climbing a giant tree, penguins in a hot air balloon, and more!

They're only $12 and you can see more of the drawings and order them from my Etsy shop or directly from my website!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I've been working on the 2011 calendars for the last 5 weeks. They should be done by the end of the week! The theme is a secret until they get printed up, but here are a couple of snippets from two of the pages. This year they'll be in color!

Other than that, I'm working on a duo show with my friend Candice Hartsough McDonald that will be in Lafayette in November. I'm doing a series of shadow boxes with cut paper. It feels so good to be making actual art!

I'm doing a bunch of craft fairs in the fall, including the gigantic Strange Folk Festival, located just outside of St. Louis. There are going to be 150 indie craft vendors! I hear it is pretty awesome, and it will be my first outdoor 2 day event!

Lastly, I started a new mailing list, which will be sent out once a month. I also really want to surprise people with things in the actual mail! So be sure to sign up and put your snail mail address. You never know what you'll get! Clicky here to sign up. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why don't I ever update this?

In my younger years, I used to write constantly, and I think it's because I went through so much emotional turmoil all the time (I was the epitome of teenage angst, though you might never know it from looking at me.) I have so many journals kept away in my drawers, and I haven't written in one in over a year. I think part of it is just growing up, and that life has sort of "evened out." I feel the most creative when I am going through something rough, and the urge to write very rarely visits me anymore. I find this to be kind of annoying, because I'd like to write and like to make updates. I just feel like I don't have much interesting to say!

So for now I'll just tell you when I've been doing the last few months.
I've made some new prints of illustrations, and mainly I have been working on the next Bloomington Handmade Market which is coming up on April 3rd. I've also just been juried in to my first out-of-town craft fair, which is Crafty Supermarket in Cincinnati!

I haven't really made a real art piece in forever, and it's really starting to get to me. I've been making things that I know I can sell, which is fine, but I want to make some things that really mean something. I have a show in Lafayette in November that I want to make a bunch of shadow boxes for, which really I should start on now. The fall/winter is going to be so busy!