Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Calendar Pre-Order now available!

This is the 3rd year that I have made a calendar of animal drawings. This year is Sadly Harmless' Creative Creatures. Each month has an ink and watercolor drawing of animals with hobbies! Featuring: stargazing giraffes, gardening elephants, knitting narwhals, musk oxen flying kites, and more!

The calendars measure 8.5 x 14 inches when unfolded. They will be printed on a cream paper with black ink.

This is a *pre-order* for this calendar. I am making a limited number of these, which is why I am making the pre-order available.

The calendars will be available on or before November 21st and will be shipped flat to you via First Class USPS. I will be sending emails to everyone letting them know when they are being shipped. Bloomingtonians can pick them up at the Bloomington Handmade Market or I can deliver it to you!

These make wonderful gifts for both children and adults!

How to get one:
Send $8 + $1.50 shipping to me via PayPal to
mail a check or well-concealed cash to:
Sally Harless
2836 S. Walnut St. Pike
Bloomington, IN

Please e-mail me if you have questions! sally(at)sadlyharmless(dot)com.


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